Thursday, July 17, 2008

Take your mental lumps...

If you train with any intensity, you will go through different feelings. Emotionally, these feelings can range from extreme satisfaction to a "I suck - what am I doing here." Emotions like this happen. It is normal.

One thing is for sure though, the folks that get "good" at this stuff are consistent.

Makes sense right?

So, what is the hardest thing about being consistent in training? Sometimes, it's a physical injury. Sometimes, it is life committments. However, more often than not, it's your mental attitude.

Yup, it is your mind.

For example; sometimes, it is very difficult for me to go to the Academy and know that I have to roll with a lot of guys that want to tap you like a sewing machine. The belt around my waist sometimes feels very, very heavy.

Who makes my belt feel heavy? ... Me. Where's the problem? It's in my head.

The question is how do I get around my head problem? The consistent and take your mental lumps and be consistent and go back for more.
You will never fail, unless you quit...

Eventually, the mental lumps will be farther and farther apart.

Besides, this is where you really learn about yourself.

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