Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"Fighting in the pocket"

On Saturday's I usually train at Sitydotong (Muay Thai) with my coach Jake Steinmann. Sityodtong is a great fight gym. Mark DellaGrote, who owns and runs the gym, not only produces great fighters but also produces great trainers. Jake Steinmann is one of them. Jake is a sharp guy. Not only does he possess some very excellent martial skills, he's a great educator. This is what he does professionally. This combination makes him a very good teacher for Muay Thai.

Jake has been working with me on focusing my Muay Thai on infighting. Lately, we've been training with my back against a corner of the gym to develop these skills. Jake has been reinforcing my infighting even while we've when doing pad work. He has been focusing me on "fighting in the pocket." Meaning, I have to stay close to the other person to work on both defensive and offensive movement, playing to my strength as a fighter.

Sometimes, seeing what we should do physically to get the best results and play to our strengths, isn't as easy to see in other aspects of your life. After Saturday's workout, I started thinking of where I could "fight in the pocket" to better help me grow professionally or personally.

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. While it's important to develop your weaknesses, everyone should understand where their strengths are and why they are your strengths. This reflection will help in continued development.

So, for now I'm "fighting in the pocket."

Makes sense.

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