From Stacia...
I am terrfied of deep water. That's right. Can't watch 'Shark Week" on the Discovery Channel...can't watch "The Abyss." I've even started to hyperventilate during the aforementioned film.
This summer, with the help of my outdoor-savvy little brother, I decided to conquer my fear of what lies beneath. So, with our sea kayak strapped to the top of his Jeep, we awoke at sunrise to launch into the mighty Atlantic. Initially, there was no opportunity to "showboat"...I did have to inform my brother that I was dreadfully close to vomiting. As time went on, however, not only did I overcome my fear of deep water, I came ashore to the high-fives and hoots of accomplishment from my brother.
That said, you'll still never find me on a Princess cruise. Not ever.
Fear takes many forms. Fear may overcome you the night before a big competition. It might envelop you the day you begin with a new trainer. Your fear might come in the form of a classroom full of new students or it might come in the form of walking out the front door of your house each morning.
Conquering your matter what it is...rewards you with a sense of empowerment, of invincibility, of vindication.
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