Thursday, October 16, 2008

Back Straight - that's all

"Keep your back straight" is so important and so simple that I take it for granted a lot of the time:

My mom used to tell me to stand up straight.

Master Takara of the Shoehei/Uechi-ryu school Stated the importance of keeping your back straight during Kata. He emphasised this directly when speaking to us once at my dojo in Lowell, MA about the Kata SanSeiRyu. He stated that there were 8 directions you moved in but your spine being straight was the connection between heaven and earth.

Tim Cartmell taught me the importance of body mechanics and the importance of your spine, using it as a great lever.

The great Brazilian Jiu Jitsu folks I've had the opportunity to train with always have told me to "posture up."

Sometimes, the most simple thing to do is the hardest to do.
Just keep your spine straight, that's all...

Good training,

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