Lately, I've been hard pressed to come up with a nice, neat, clearly-defined description for what I've recently begun to teach. Because I've practiced a variety of martial art forms and am versed in the philosophies that accompany them, it is important to me to give my students, many of whom have never practiced any form of marital art, the most thorough overview of these disciplines.
My intent is teach more than just pure mma technique so I've chosen to incorporate more traditional forms and philosophies. This way, students will be empowered to choose their particular path of study.
This "fusion" of old and new, traditional and contemporary, is the formula that is the most cohesive way to describe my style, as well as what I hope to impart to my students.
Potential Names
Macado Ryu
Mix Ryu
Wikipedia Ryu
A study in mix martial systems that offers a uniform and well
recognized practice of concepts and principles that are time tested.
The instructors will draw upon their experience with traditional systems
as well as current experiences and trends. The mix system is well grounded
in both the past and present which offers insight to bridge both worlds.
See: The Study Within
Please excuse the typo in the last message. I meant to type Macaco Ryu.
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